
How Can Drip Irrigation System and Fertilizers Used in Foliar Fertilization Be Used Together?

In recent years, the use of fertilizers has been increasing rapidly with drip irrigation. In parallel with the drip irrigation system, which has become widespread not only in greenhouse (greenhouse) conditions, but also in open field and garden conditions, the use of foliar fertilizers also tends to increase. It is possible to obtain maximum benefit from irrigation and fertilization with the drip irrigation system, by watering and fertilizing according to the development periods of the plant and using the right fertilizer mixtures. Considering the mixing status of the fertilizers given in the table below, whether in solid or liquid form, it is possible to use a single fertilization tank. If this is not taken care of, blockages may occur in the drip irrigation system and its service life will be reduced. Considering the soil conditions of our country and the needs of the grown plants, it is desirable that the chlorine (Cl) and sodium (Na) nutrients are absent or at very low levels in the drip irrigation system and foliar fertilizers. Another feature desired in solid form drip irrigation system and foliar fertilizers is that it has a high solubility in water and does not contain additives or fillers. A simple method can be applied to understand this. A glass of drop or foliar fertilizer (150-200 gr) is added to one liter of irrigation water. If it melts immediately and does not leave a residue when kept, if it does not cause turbidity, this means that this fertilizer can be used with the drip irrigation system. If fertilizers (red color) or partially miscible fertilizers (yellow color) which should never be mixed with each other are to be used at the same time, it is necessary to fertilize using two separate fertilizer tanks as shown in the figure.